mato seihei no slave
Also known as Chained Soldier, a manga published in Shounen Jump! in 2019 written by Tashiro Tetsuya, with an anime adaptation developed by Seven Arcs airing in Winter 2024. The series focuses on the story of Wakura Yuuki, a young man who is magically bound to be the slave of a magical soldier named Uzen Kyouka and is shared between her and her compatriots amidst their fight against "Yomotsu Shuuki", demonic entities from another dimension called "Mato".
Anti-Demon Corps
7th Division (Main Characters)
1st Division
2nd Division
3rd Division
- Tsukiyono Bell
- Three other unnamed members
5th Division
6th Division
8th Division
9th Division
10th Division
Otherwise Affiliated
- Azuma Tobera (Former supreme commander)
- Imabou Reiko (Minister of Defense)
- Kinokuni Wakako (Onmyou Agency Superintendent)
- Yamori Iori (Ministry of Defense's Inspector General)
- Izumo Tenka's mole in the Onmyou Agency
- Unspecified "President" (resembles Hillary Clinton)
Mato (Yomotsu Shuuki and Other Inhabitants)
Unique Shuuki
- Akura
- Kidoumaru (aka "One-Horn"/"Unihorn")
- Kuma-douji
Eight Gods of Thunder
- Fukuma (Only appeared as dark persona alternate colors of other characters)
- Fukuma's offshoots (two dark persona alternate color aged down Yamashiro Ren lookalikes; when they don't match Fukuma herself, one wears feminine clothing and the other tomboyish clothing)
- Jaku'un
- Jouryuu
- Kuusetsu
- Kuusetsu (original form) (shaped like an egg with chicken legs, wings, and a vertical mouth with tentacle tongues)
- Kuusetsu (humanoid transformation) (larger oni horns and black sclerae)
- Naruhime
- Rairen
- Shikoku
- Taikyoku
- Shimomura Yumeji
Other Characters
Shuukified Humans
- Wakura Aoba
- Yuno Naon
- Zenibako Koko
- Unnamed fourth member (can heal curses)
Other Azuma Family
Minor Characters
- Hattori (Wakura Yuuki's black-haired friend)
- Suwa (Wakura Yuuki's blond-haired friend)
- Kawabata Shiki (actress attacked by Kuusetsu)
- Ookawakura Yoshino (Nei's great-aunt and legal guardian)
- Varvara Pilipenko's father
- Varvara Pilipenko's mother (known as "The Boreal Witch")
- Yamashiro Ren's dogs, Kaname and Miyabi
- Various one-shot ability users who attacked Yamashiro Ren and got killed for it
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