mahou no princess minky momo
A manga and anime series written by Shudo Takeshi starring Minky Momo, a magical girl who does not fight against villains but rather gives people hope and dreams with her magic. The series is divided into two eras: the "Sora Momo" (空モモ - Sky Momo) series that aired in 1982, and the "Umi Momo" (海モモ - Sea Momo) series that aired in 1991. The two Minky Momos look the same, but are completely different.
The series became infamous after the airing of episode 46 of the first season, in which Minky Momo dies after being hit by a truck. Soon after that, an urban legend arose that this episode caused earthquakes across Japan.
Sora Momo
Umi Momo
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