magician's academy
A 2003-2007 light novel series by Sakaki Ichirou, with illustrations by BLADE, published by Enterbrain's Famitsu Bunko imprint. Also adapted into a 2006 manga, serialized in Enterbrain's Magi-Cu, a second manga in Media Factory's Monthly Comic Alive from 2008 - current, with illustrations by Nakao Hitomi, a 2007 video game, and a 2008-2009 anime by Zexcs, as Macademi WAsshoi! (まかでみWAっしょい!). There were also two spinoff light novel series: Macademi Radical (まかでみ・らでぃかる, 2004-2008) and Macademix (まかでみックス, 2008-2011).
External links
- Official Site (game): link) - Wikipedia: Magician's Academy