lance of longinus (evangelion)
ロンギヌスの槍 longinus_no_yari holy_lance holy_spear spear_of_destiny
An alien weapon in the Neon Genesis Evangelion series.
In the Gospel of John, an unnamed soldier, known traditionally as Longinus, pierced Jesus's side with his spear to ensure he was dead. The account given in John purports that blood and water (cf. 1 John 5:6-8) came immediately (John 19:34). Relics purported to be the spear with which Longinus pierced Jesus have appeared since the sixth century.
The manga/anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion depicts the Spear of Longinus as a colossal bident and as the only object that can penetrate the A.T. Field of an Angel. It is revealed later in the series that the lance was built by the same advanced aliens who created the Angels as a way to control them.