laby (elsword)
Elsword character. A girl who's perpetual cheerfulness is partly her own personality and partly due to her mirror Nisha absorbing all of her sadness and grief. She's sometimes seen with her friend, which is an unknown black rabbit-like creature.
Class tree:
Child -> Sparky Child -> Rumble Pumn -> Eternity Winner
Child -> Twinkle Child -> Shining Romantica -> Radiant Soul
Child -> Rusty Child -> Daydreamer -> Nisha Labyrinth
Child -> Rough Child -> Punky Poppet -> Twins Picaro
The following tags implicate this tag: child_(elsword), daydreamer_(elsword), eternity_winner_(elsword), punky_poppet_(elsword), radiant_soul_(elsword), rough_child_(elsword), rumble_pumn_(elsword), rusty_child_(elsword), shining_romantica_(elsword), sparky_child_(elsword), twinkle_child_(elsword), and twins_picaro_(elsword) (learn more).