kyururu (kemono friends)
The protagonist of the Kemono Friends 2 anime.
Kyururu is a human who awoke in a sandstar filled pod in the ruins of a strange facility. Kyururu was named by Serval for the sound Kyururu's stomach made from being hungry. Possesses vague memories of the past and is joined by the friends Serval and Caracal to find the location of Kyururu's "den."
Kyururu's features are short two-tone hair with green bangs and the rest black. His hair is in a short low ponytail in the back. Has blue eyes with a spot of magenta in one eye and a spot of green in the other. Wears a safari styled hat with a feather in it.
At Kemono Friends World (an exhibition lasting from June 7th to June 24th, 2019), more details were revealed, including details on Kyururu's past and the fact that he is actually male.