kumiromi of harvest
Kumiromi of Harvest is the god of agriculture in Elona.
Appearance-wise, his salient features are a green tunic, a green jester's hat, short brown hair, white feathery wings, and rather feminine appearance. (There was initially some confusion as to his actual gender.) He often wields his characteristic scythe.
Personality-wise, he is a quiet sort that generally enjoys nature and watching over the growth of living things. He only speaks complete sentences when talking about enjoying nature. He admonishes his followers for spreading death, unlike most other gods. His comments imply he is a former lover of Ehekatl of Luck's, but her personality transformed, and they grew distant. Kumiromi makes comments mourning this change on occasion. Unlike most gods, rewards for following him are crafting-based skills and items.
Kumiromi does have what appears to be a dark side, however, and bears a grudge against those who betray him for another god or attack him, turning apparently yandere in the process, although he becomes no less terse about it.
His favored sacrifices are seeds and any form of vegetable, even cooked, rotten, or rotten cooked ones. Players that serve him often cook rotten vegetables and sacrifice them to him to train their cooking and not waste rotten food. (Seeds are too rare and valuable to sacrifice.)
His servants are the cute fairies.