kcco (girls' frontline)
First appearing in the game Girls' Frontline around its 8th and 9th Chapters, the New Soviet Union's Special Operations Forces Command (Kомандование сил специальных операций, КССО [read as KSSO conventionally, as KCCO by folks who can't read Cyrillic]) is an independent unit of the NSU's regular army. Becomes the second antagonistic party in the game starting from the middle of Chapter 10, until the events of Polarized Light and Chapter 13.
Military-grade Tactical Dolls
- Cyclops
- Hydra
- Aegis
- Cerynitis
- Dactyl
- Typhon
- Argonauts (Carina, Vela, Puppis)
- Recce Centre & Pathfinders
- Centaurus
- Orthrus
- Minotaurus
- Kratos
- Acheron
- Coeus
Heavy machinery
- AA-02 Sinner (Ares)
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