ishi no hana
Manga by Sakaguchi Hisashi, running from 1983 to 1986, set during World War II-era Yugoslavia. The title, rendered in Serbo-Croatian as 'Kameni cvet / Камени цвет', references the Stone Flower monument which serves as a reminder of the atrocities committed at the Jasenovac concentration camp. The manga would see renewed interest in the 90s, as a source of knowledge for readers contextualizing the then-ongoing Yugoslav Wars.
Editions of the manga after the 80s Ushio Publishing releases (ex. Shinchosha) would feature extensive redraws, which has some fans split. The 2022 Kadokawa-published editions, based on the Shinchosha editions, would feature as a bonus two earlier chapters made by Sakaguchi adapting the 1969 Yugoslav film 'Krvava bajka', published in the August and September 1970 issues of Manga-Ou, which are considered the origin of Ishi no Hana's eventual creation. Despite the subject matter, the manga has only ever been released outside of Japan in French as 'Fleur de pierre,' and awareness of the manga in former Yugoslavia is sparse but growing.
External link
- Wikipedia: Ishi no Hana (Sakaguchi Hisashi manga) (Japanese)
- MangaHelpers: Ishi no Hana
- MyAnimeList: Ishi no Hana
- Sample of the first three chapters (Japanese)