icky noogy
A Touaoii character based off of Emperor Palpatine and Nagae Iku. She is the embodiment of the /r/PrequelMemes community mural on /r/place, one of the most prominent murals of all.
The first version of the mural wasn't an organized effort at first, but it soon gathered a huge following of individuals who eventually wrote the entire Darth Plagueis copypasta. The /r/PrequelMemes community naturally rallied around it as it was being built, and then they organized its reconstruction into something much better, ultimately ending up as one of the finest pieces of art in /r/place.
The Darth Plagueis mural was one of the first pieces of art to appear, one of the only things to survive relatively unscathed, and it is so massive that it included Palpatine's entire story of Darth Plagueis, as well as a tiny Palpy shooting lightning. Icky represents the very first inklings of widespread organization on /r/place, the beginnings and the ultimate refinement of Civilization, and the demonstration of Civilization withstanding the test of time. Not bad for a copypasta.