hoshino madoka
Artist (in)famous for her Hokuto no Ken parody.
Pixiv has two tags for her: 'またAYAか (AYA has done it again)' and 'いつものAYA (Typical AYA)'.
- Artist name: AYA or AYA
- Circle & site name: お嬢の浴室 (Ojou no Yokusitu)
- Blog: http://ojonoyokusitu.blog.fc2.com/
- Pixiv account: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=441971
- Twitter account: http://twitter.com/aya_ojo
- Booth web store: http://emu-and-emu.booth.pm/
- Circle.ms: http://c10130072.circle.ms/oc/CircleProfile.aspx
- Old home page (dead): http://www2.odn.ne.jp/ojo-noyokusitu/
- Old blog (dead): http://ybce.jp/~common/cgi-bin/ayablog/diary.cgi
- The Doujinshi & Manga Lexicon: http://www.doujinshi.org/browse/author/14/
- Name as a professional artist: 星野 円 (Hoshino Madoka)
- Circle & site name: M&M★
- Home page: http://www1.odn.ne.jp/emu_and_emu/
- Blog: http://madokahoshino.blog.fc2.com/
- Twitter account: http://twitter.com/madoka_hoshino
- Youtube channel(RAKUGAKIX): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWdYmzF1xmLk466GBUcCXdA
- Private blog: http://madokahoshino2.blog.fc2.com/
- Old home page (1) (dead): http://ybce.jp/~common/M&M/
- Old home page (2) (dead): http://ybce.jp/~common/moesitu/
- Other Pixiv name: きゅん (Kyun) or ナママち (Namamachi)
- Other Pixiv account (empty): http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1121264