high school dxd
A 2008-2018 light novel series by Ishibumi Ichiei, with illustrations by Miyama-Zero, serialized in Fujimi Shobo's Dragon Magazine. Also adapted into a 2011-2018 manga, with illustrations by Mishima Hiroji, serialized in Fujimi Shobo's Monthly Dragon Age, and an anime by TNK for Seasons 1 - 3 (2012 - 2015), and Passione for the fourth season (2018).
- Hyoudou Issei
- Rias Gremory
- Asia Argento
- Himejima Akeno
- Toujou Koneko
- Xenovia Quarta
- Shidou Irina
- Gabriel (High School DxD)
- Gasper Vladi
- Rossweisse
- Ophis
- Grayfia Lucifuge
- Azazel
- Venelana Gremory
- Yasaka
- Yubelluna
- Momozono Momo
- Nimura Ruruko
- Sona Sitri
- Shinra Tsubaki
- Ni
- Li
- Serafall Leviathan
- Shuriya
- Mira
- Ravel Phenex
- Mittelt
- Kalawarner
- Katerea Leviathan
- Kuroka
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