Base kai ni
haruna kai ni (kancolle)
The second remodel of Kantai Collection's Haruna.
She gains the distinctive radar wing headband that characterizes the class kai ni aesthetic, but otherwise retains her outfit. Unique to her Kai Ni, Haruna has anti-aircraft guns attached to her boots and her main guns are painted with dazzle camouflage stripes, a reference to her real-life black-white striped camouflage when she was moored in Kure after the battle of Leyte Gulf.
After her second remodel was revealed, artists began to draw Haruna with panties striped like her dazzle camouflage. Interestingly enough, her canon panties does actually feature vertical black-white stripes. In 2023, she gained her Kai Ni C forms which give her additional anti-air (or alternately, torpedoes).
This tag implicates haruna_(kancolle) (learn more).