happy tree friends
HappyTreeFriends HTF HTF擬人化 欢乐树朋友 HTF原型 ハッピーツリーフレンズ ハピツリ
A flash cartoon show created by Mondo Mini Shows. Notable for its extreme violence and gruesome death scenes, despite the childish and adorable looks of all the characters.
- Cuddles
- Giggles
- Toothy
- Lumpy
- Handy
- Petunia
- Nutty
- Sniffles
- Pop
- Cub
- Flaky
- The Mole
- Disco Bear
- Russell
- Lifty
- Shifty
- Mime
- Cro-Marmot
- Flippy
- Splendid
- Splendont
- Mouse Ka-Boom
- Sneaky
- The Rat
- Buddhist Monkey
- Lammy
- Mr. Pickels
- Truffles