Japanese name: はいんちゅ (Hainchu)
The other names: 廃人 (Hainchu), はいちゅん (Haichun) or 廃人21号
Circle name: hain's (ハインズ)
Site name: TRC
Original characters
External links
- Jessie (pokemon) (cosplay)-themed website : http://hains.web.fc2.com/
- Tumblr account: http://hainchu.tumblr.com/
- Pixiv account: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=3639357
- Niconico account: http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/584292
- Privatter account: http://privatter.net/u/hainchu21
- Twitter account (1): http://twitter.com/hainchu21
- Twitter account (2): http://twitter.com/hainchuhainchu
- Twitpic account (server stopped): http://twitpic.com/photos/hainchu21
- Circle.ms: http://portal.circle.ms/Circle/Index/10315247
- Old homepage (dead, and the URL was sold to someone else) : http://hainchu.web.fc2.com/
- Old blog (1) (dead): http://hainchu2.blog.fc2.com/
- Old blog (2) (dead): http://hainchu.blog.fc2.com/
- Suimy account (dead): http://suimy.net/user/hainchu/content
- Oekaki chat (deleted): http://www.takamin.com/oekakichat/user/oekakichat3.php?userid=571660
- Old twitter (dead): http://twitter.com/hainchu2
- Ustream account (deleted, unconfirmed): http://www.ustream.tv/user/hainchu