haijin (pageratta)
The God of Decay from Everyday with Gods series by pageratta.
a.k.a. Cripple/Addict
God Power: 「Dependency」
A PC addict, game addict, and a god who prefers to live in the virtual world.
Especially good at playing video game, no matter what genre.
Wears a visor that includes a headphone and special monitor necessary for his sights to work.
Rarely seen standing on his own feet.
Appearance: has grey hair, pale skin. Comparing to the rest of pantheon he looks short and skinny. Looks being constantly underslept - bags under eyes, tired look. Eye color can't be defined because of visor.
Attire: tan with green shades shirt and pants, brown slippers.
Accesories: green visor with earphones, modern self-propelling wheelchair with white, green and black colors.
Halo: small, vertically floats over left earphone.