gundam aerial slap (meme)
ガンダムスタンプ フレッシュトマト味 黒いサンライズ 殺人たぬき なんで...笑ってるの?人殺し! ミオ虐 サイコたぬき
Parody of a scene from Gundam Suisei no Majo involving the bloody hand of Gundam Aerial Rebuild after it crushed the terrorist's body into a bloody mess to save Miorine Rembran, though this also traumatized her in the process.
Also known as "Fresh tomato flavor" (フレッシュトマト味) in Japan due to a flavor of Aerial snack food that was collaborated with the anime and a scene earlier in the series showing Suletta Mercury's hand covered in tomato juice during the festival, foreshadowing this scene.
See also
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