gotterdammerung (fate/grand order)
無間氷焔世紀 ゲッテルデメルング 無間氷焔世紀ゲッテルデメルング
Lostbelt No. 2: The Eternal Icy Fire Century, Götterdämmerung
The second Lostbelt in Fate/Grand Order, set in Russia and supervised by the Crypter Ophelia Phamrsolone. Set after 1000 BC in Scandinavia, Ragnarok was interrupted due to Surtr devouring Fenrir, causing him to gain Fenrir's authority and bringing an immature Twilight to the world. After he was defeated, with Ragnarok being unfinished the world is now forcibly ravaged by fire and ice for 3 millennia.
Novum Chaldea
- Leonardo da Vinci (Rider)
- Goredolf Musik
- Jingle Abel Meuniere
- Fujimaru Ritsuka (Male)/Fujimaru Ritsuka (Female)
- Sherlock Holmes
- Mash Kyrielight