ghost hunt
A 1989-to-1992 supernatural shoujo light novel series by Ono Fuyumi with a 1994 2-volume sequel. It has been adapted into a 1998-to-2010 shoujo manga series by Inada Shiho with a 2012-to-2016 sequel, and 2006-to-2007 TV anime series by J.C.Staff.
The series follows the female protagonist Taniyama Mai, a first-year high school student, who becomes involved with Shibuya Psychic Research (SPR) and its young manager, Shibuya Kazuya involved in the business of ghost hunting.
- Taniyama Mai
- Shibuya Kazuya
- Lin Koujo
- Eugene Davis
- Hara Masako
- John Brown
- Matsuzaki Ayako
- Mori Madoka
- Takigawa Houshou
- Yasuhara Osamu