genpatsu (cookie)
Nuclear_power_plant nuclear_plant 原発姉貴 fisherman_sakuya Yukimura_Rio 幸村理桜 Hamamoto_Shiori 浜本しおり 893姉貴
Voice of Izayoi Sakuya in the original Cookie☆. Also called Yukimura Rio, from Sanada Yukimura. While initially as popular as Uzuki, her fame declined as time went on as her audio material wasn't good for remixing. She was also not involved in the controversy, so there was nothing on that front. However, a Futaba channel thread photoshopped her on the front of a fishing magazine and from thenceforth she became linking with fishing.
Unlike other VAs, her name is fan given. She was very outspoken against nuclear power plants and so she was dubbed Nuclear Power Sister, or Genpatsu-aneki for short. Other than her fishing and nuclear power opinions, she mostly appears as a normal Sakuya.