Gekota is a popular franchise of anthropomorphic frogs found in merchandise marketed to children in the ToAru Majutsu no Index universe. Misaka Mikoto is a huge fan of the franchise, which - much to her consternation - gets her labeled as childish. Other Gekota fans (gekoers / ゲコラー) include Hokaze Junko and Iizumi Rita.
Known characters:
- Gekota (character). He is colored in green, has a black mustache and wears a black suit. He is an old man type of character who is known to suffer from motion sickness easily. Because he has a habit of saying geko-geko (ゲコ, ゲコ), the name stuck and he's been referred to as such ever since.
- Keroyon (ケロヨン). Also green, but doesn't wear anything. Has :> expression. He lives next to Gekota.
- Pyonkichi (ピョン吉). Is red colored. Doesn't wear anything.
- Pyonko (ピョン子, Yen Press: Hoppit). She is pink colored and often seen with a red bow on her head.