gegege no kitarou
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 ゲゲゲの鬼太郎(アニメ) 私の愛した歴代ゲゲゲ 腐向けKTR
Original title: 墓場鬼太郎(Hakaba (no) Kitarō), lit. Kitarou (of the) Graveyard
A Supernatural/Horror manga by Mizuki Shigeru, also known as Spooky Kitaro in some regions, serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine from 1959-1969.
Numerous anime and live action adaption have been made since 1968 but on January 2008 the original comic was adapted into an anime by Toei Animation.
- Aoi
- Backbeard
- Backbeako
- Hanako-san (better known as Hanako of the Toilet)
- Inuyama Mana
- Ittan Momen
- Kitarou
- Konaki Jijii
- Minmei
- Miu
- Medama Oyaji
- Nekomusume
- Nezumi Otoko
- nurikabe
- Sunakake Babaa
- Zanbia
See also
External links
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