gakusei undou
学生運動 新左翼 革マル派 日本革命的共産主義者同盟革命的マルクス主義派 中核派 革命的共産主義者同盟全国委員会 全学連 全日本学生自治会総連合 全共闘 全学共闘会議 東大紛争 東アジア反日武装戦線 連合赤軍 日本赤軍 ゲバ文字 安保闘争 羽田闘争 成田闘争 東峰十字路事件 三里塚闘争 三里塚芝山連合空港反対同盟 あさま山荘事件
A Japanese term for student activism that is often used to refer to the Japanese New Left wave from the 1950s to 70s, its political movements and groups.
Various individual groups, political movements and incidents are associated with this term. For example the Kakumaru-ha, the Chuukaku-ha, the post-50s Zengakuren, Zenkyoutou, Toudai Funsou, etc. When one of those organizations, the Rengou Sekigun, caused the Asama-Sansou incident, and members of the Nihon Sekigun were found to be involved in the Lod Airport massacre, they lost all support from the public and went into decline, even impacting broader political discussion by rendering it a private matter.
They are stereotyped as being equipped with construction helmets, dust masks and square timber (sometimes steel pipes and Molotov cocktails), sticking flyers with various propaganda slogans (for example, "Never allow!!" "Crush the unfair **!!" "We will win this conflict!!" etc.) all over the place, and for separating into numerous groups and infighting. The various portmanteaus using Geba and Aji were created from student activism, and each derive from "gewalt" (German for "violence") and "agitation".
The square timber mentioned earlier are called geba-bou (gewalt stick), internal conflict is called uchi-geba (internal gewalt), flyers are aji-bira (agitation flyers), and the fonts used for these purposes are called geba-moji (gewalt fonts).