This tag refers to the small, glowing insects that can be seen at night. Images under this tag should mostly have the insect visible.
This tag can be also used to refer to single glowing balls or streaks used to represent a firefly.
For images in which there are numerous glowing ball or streak effects without showing the actual insect, use the fireflies tag instead.
The other things called "firefly"
- Fairey Fairey firefly - A British WWII carrier fighter plane
- Sherman Firefly - A British variant of M4 Sherman tank
- Firefly (Thunderbirds) - A fire-proof vehicle in Thunderbirds. It was called ジェットブルドーザー (Jet Bulldozer) in the Japanese-dubbed version.
- Firefly (G.I. Joe) - A villain from G.I. Joe
- Fairy Firefly (フェアリ・ファイアフライ) - A character from Super Robot Wars GC and XO
- Firefly - A 2002 American space western drama series. Its Japanese title is “ファイヤーフライ 宇宙大戦争”
- Fairey Hierfly (フェアリ・ハイヤフライ) - A character from Aoi Sora no Neosphere
- 747-FF Temjin “Firefly” - Hasegawa model's original variant of Temjin Virtuaroids in Virtual On series. Use Temjin tag on danbooru.
- Firefly Alley (ほたる横丁) - A floating island in Ar tonelico series. Use Hotaru yokochou tag on danbooru.
This tag implicates bug (learn more).