fin funnels
A form of remote weapon unique to the Nu Gundam/Hi-Nu Gundam (and retroactively, its testbed unit, the Delta Gundam Kai). Despite their name, the fin funnels equipped on Nu Gundam/Hi-Nu Gundam are in function "bits", since they have built-in generators rather than the E-caps used by funnels. While this made them much more expensive to construct, and allowed less modules to be equipped than the standard, this had the enormous benefit of giving the fin funnels a tremendously long operational time. Circling the battlefield on their own, the fin funnels could be utilized in far more creative and strategic ways than standard funnels.
The actual beam fired by the fin funnels was also more powerful, given that they are emitted by a generator instead of an E-cap, allowing for better performance compared to Zeon's funnels. The fin funnels also had the ability to generate a unique beam shield, known as a "fin funnel barrier", to provide a defense against both beam weaponry and solid projectiles with lower outputs compared to the beam shield's power consumption. Although these unique funnels proved incredibly effective and flexible in purpose, they were also much larger than the standard funnel, making them easier targets to shoot down. With the help of the Psycho Frame technology, Nu Gundam/Hi-Nu Gundam pilot Amuro Ray can utilize these fin funnels more effectively by thoughts alone.
It should be noted that the Hi-Nu Gundam is capable of recharging and refueling its fin funnels, thanks to the upgrades on its backpack.
This tag can also refer to fin-shaped remote weapons or those that physically resemble the Nu Gundam/Hi-Nu Gundam's fin funnels.