eve (eversoul)
A Demon-type Soul from the mobile game Eversoul. She was originally an Angel-type Soul until a certain unfortunate event.
CV: Lee Hyeon-jin (Korean)
The very first Soul given physical form by Dr. Angelica Faust (at least on record). She is a highly-intellectual Soul with the unfortunate innate ability to beguile those who lay their eyes upon her, regardless of gender. Due to this, all the powerful Souls created by humanity were based on her image, leading to the rarity of male Souls in general. When Faust refused to give up Eve after humanity's desire for her remained unabated, they created an excuse for them to forcibly capture and corrupt her as Eve once attempted to create one of her own kind. When even the corruption of Eve wasn't enough, worldwide tensions escalated up until World War III was unleashed and the apocalyptic Apollyon was summoned, leading to the demise of mankind on Earth.
She is also one of two primordial Souls created by the Transcendents to watch over and ensure the world's eternal recurrence alongside her "sibling" Adam.
In Eden, her name is associated with the Goddess worshipped by those that follow the Eve Faith, a monotheistic religion that believes in a "Goddess Eve," the Primal Soul who created the Souls in her image and disappeared sometime after guiding the world's first Souls, much to her disappointment and chagrin.
Her associated Artifact is the Tablet of Fate.