darkness heels
Ultra Series multimedia project that began in 2018, centered around the titular team of Ultra Villains, consisting of Ultraman Belial, Evil Tiga, Dark Zagi, Jugglus Juggler, and Camearra. Initially just a pairing of popular Ultra villains planned to appear at stage shows and in merch, the project was given its own unique story, centered around the five villains being resurrected on the Planet Terrio, stuck in unique human forms, and working to figure out the mystery behind their resurrection and the man who committed it, Hughes.
Alongside the main five, Ultraman Tregear and Trigger Dark are also associated with the team, as well as Belial's servant Fukuide Kei.
The story of DARKNESS HEELS has been conveyed through the DARKNESS HEELS ~THE LIVE~ stage shows, and the DARKNESS HEELS ―Lili― manga by Tsunashima Shirou, with an anime project announced in 2023.
See also
- Lili: protagonist of DARKNESS HEELS ―Lili―, and honorary member of the team
- Ultra Kaijuu Gijinka Keikaku: previous Ultra anthropomorphisation project, centered around kaiju
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