ディーふらぐ! ("D-FRAG!", Eng:"D-FRAGMENTS") is a manga series written and drawn by Haruno Tomoya. It was adapted for a Drama CD and a 2014 anime series.
After an attempt at bullying gone terribly wrong, delinquent Kazama Kenji is forced to join the Game Development Club (Temp.), composed of a short, quirky second-year, the manipulative student council president of their school, an energetic freshman, and their sleepyhead advisor, spending his time bitterly snarking at their bizarre behavior within and outside the clubroom premises.
The manga is the origin of "Funabori meme" (Danbooru tag: ijimeka / pixiv tag: 船堀パロ)
- Kazama Kenji
- Shibasaki Roka
- Karasuyama Chitose
- Mizukami Sakura
- Oosawa Minami
- Takao (♀, given name unrevealed)
- Funabori (♀, given name unrevealed)
- Kazama Noe
- Sakai Tama