corvus corax (warhammer)
Warhammer 40K character. Primarch of the Raven Guard.
Wargear and other commonly used tags:
(Text taken from Tags added.)
In battle, Corax favoured a Heavy Bolter for long-range killing, which he hefted and aimed as easily as an ordinary man would lift a battle rifle. He wielded two Archeotech pistols as additional firepower. For close quarters fighting he carried a three-headed Power Whip specially crafted for him by the Adeptus Mechanicus as well as a pair of Lightning Claws known as The Raven's Talons. In the absence of these weapons, he was more than able to tear apart enemies with his bare hands.[6] Corax wore a jet-black suit of Power Armour known as The Sable Armour which incorporated an advanced Jump Pack known as the Korvidine Pinions. The Sable Armour was also capable of masking his energy signature and could be used to jam nearby enemy communications.[7]
Corax's most potent ability, however, was his "wraith-slip", also called a Shadow-Slip or Shadow-Walk. This allowed him to seemingly meld with the shadows around him, disappearing from the view of his foes before striking unseen.[8] Following his reappearance sometime after the Heresy, Corax became empowered by the Warp itself. Able to contend with the Daemon Primarch Lorgar, Corax is now capable of transforming himself into shadows, darkness, and unkindnesses of ravens.[13]
Misc. appearance tags: black_armor, black_hair, animal_skull, animal_skull_ornament, bird_skull, long_hair, power_armor, the_sable_armor