color coordination
Characters and/or objects match each other in color, or create a sense of symmetry.
The characters/objects must be put into multiple pairs/groups based on their color to create the sense of "coordination". If there is only one group of characters/object put together based on their color, use color connection and the corresponding color theme if applicable.
If it's an art centring around a specific color without the intention of "connection", use the corresponding color theme instead. For instance, post #4734135 is yellow theme.
If there're multiple color groups but the characters are simply cosplaying and their matching pair isn't present (e.g. post #1490134), use color connection instead.
This technique is often associated with lineup and column lineup, such as post #5485339. When the columns are each completely monochromatically themed on a single color, it becomes multiple monochrome.
If the coordinated colors are also forming a rainbow, it's also rainbow order.