charlie nash
ナッシュ ナッシュ(ストリートファイター) チャーリー・ナッシュ charlienash
Central character in the Street Fighter Zero series of fighting games.
He wears green cargo pants and a light yellow flak jacket. He has glasses which he takes off before a fight, and an exaggerated hairstyle consisting of a large forelock of blond hair. The glasses are not necessary for him to see, and appear to be purely cosmetic.
He is a calm and confident fighter - sometimes to a fault - with a strong sense of justice. He has a crime-fighting attitude akin to his friend Guile, though more out of righteousness rather than revenge; even so, he sometimes acts reckless. While normally he acts in a professional manner, he does let his emotions get the better of him at times. He greatly values his allies.