cave divers (meme)
Cave Diver Memes, also known as Cave Divers Be Like or Cave Divers For No Reason At All, refers to a series of memes about people who explore caves and do cave diving, often called cavers, cave divers or cave explorers. The memes express the sentiment that cave divers are crazy because the activity seems terrifying and extremely dangerous for little reward. Memes making fun of cave divers surfaced en masse following discourse about the Nutty Putty Cave Incident when a man named John Edwards Jones died inside a Utah cave upside-down in 2009. Cave Diver Memes resurfaced en masse on TikTok and Instagram Reels in early 2025 when video creators posted skits about cave divers discovering impossibly tiny holes and crevices to wedge themselves into. The trend's visual punchline was shoes sticking out of the initially presented opening. The trend's primary TikTok sound was an instrumental for the Xaviersobased song "Vibrator."
This meme has been resurfaced in 2025, it was in 2023 where it actually got created. The incident was decades ago, calling itself the "Nutty Putty Cave Incident"in 2003.
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