book focus
One or more books are the focus (the subject, the theme) of the image. Use this tag when books are very conspicuous, very noticeable, very visible.
As guidelines, use this tag when a great portion of the image is occupied by:
- A whole book.
- A page of a book.
- Many books.
- Someone reading — or writing, or showing, or reacting to, or hiding behind, or otherwise paying attention to — a very visible book, that is preferably close to the center of the image.
Don't use this tag with these posts, that break the guidelines:
- post #1051582 (The books are effectively hidden. They don't draw attention.)
- post #1048703 (Same as above.)
- post #455122 (Things, people, situations unrelated to the books are the focus of the image instead.)
- post #989025 (There are only a few books in the background.)
This tag implicates book (learn more).