basara (granblue fantasy)
Character from Granblue Fantasy. Voiced by Majima Junji.
Element: Light
Prof: Katana/Melee
Race: Erune
Height: 177 cm
Basara was the First Divine Canine and is the direct ancestor of Vajra, the current Divine Canine. He is also recognized as the leader of the First Divine Generals, as well as the strongest fighter among the twelve. Notably, Vajra's abilities to channel souls and hear the spirits of nature originate from Basara; he was the first to exhibit those qualities among his family.
Following Vajra's final fate episode, Basara's spirit resides in Vajra's blade and will manifest upon Vajra's request. He plays a major role in the 11th anniversary event, Romance of the Divine Generals, where he made his playable debut as a Light-element Grand character exclusive to Flash Gala banners.
Visually, Basara resembles a geki; he wears a black hakama with a white tabi and wide sleeves, as well as shimenawa and waraji. He has brown eyes and short brown hair with an ahoge. As a canine-looking Erune, Basara has dog ears.