asterios (persona)
Asterios is a persona from the persona 4 arena game(s). He appears as a gigantic minotaur-like monster that is partially submerged in the ground, his head appears to be a large skull of a bull with metal attachments, chains, and partially sawed off horns that spew a reddish fire from the gouged out core. His body is mostly submerged, but appears to be a muscular humanoid that is colored black and is covered in chains that tie him to the earth, as well as having bone covered fists that he uses to beat his enemies to a pulp. Asterios is the persona of Shadow Labrys, although this fact is occasionally debated, as shadows (excluding Teddie) don't have Personas, only transformations into symbolic monsters, thus, Asterios is thought to be a mere extension of Shadow Labrys herself and symbolizes Labrys's desire for destruction.