Melty Blood
arima miyako
A character mentioned briefly in Tsukihime and Kagetsu Tooya, but became more prominent in Melty Blood.
She is the oldest daughter of the Arima family, a branch of the Tohno family with very weak oni blood. She became the adoptive little sister of a nine year old Tohno Shiki after he was sent to live with her family. She idolizes Shiki immensely but is too shy to express herself clearly to him. In Melty Blood, she resents the Tohno family for taking Shiki from her and plans to take him back by force. While she knows some Bajiquan, the Night of Wallachia phenomenon enhances her martial art powers to incredible levels.
She wears a red tangzhuang, denim short shorts with cutoffs and dark blue socks with brown shoes. She has green eyes and wears red bows in her hairs. Her design in Melty Blood: Type Lumina, which represents the remake timeline, changes some things of her design. Her brown shoes became pink and her denim shorts are now black bike shorts. Her blue socks and red bows in her hair also became black instead.