An earth pony and one of the six primary characters in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
She is orange and yellow and usually wears a brown cowboy hat.
She works on a farm and orchard with her big brother, little sister, and grandmother. It is not known who or where her parents are. Regardless of the language of the series' dubs, she always speaks in a rural accent. She is modest, but has a great sense of personal pride. This works against her sometimes, as she also feels deep shame in failure.
During episodes involving the Elements of Harmony, she represents the Element of Honesty.
She has a friendly rivalry with fellow main character Rainbow Dash as they both are sporty, competitive, and tomboyish. In the series finale, the two are implied to be a couple after the timeskip, as they live together and are affectionate with each other, though the writers have stated that they're leaving their relationship open to interpretation.
- English CV: Ashleigh Ball
- Japanese CV: Tokui Sora (seasons 1-2), Ogawa Natsumi (seasons 3-6)
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