Official art
adachi rei
A crowdfunded life-sized robot project started by missile39 in 2017. She was given a computer-generated voice using the UTAU program and later used for a text-to-speech software called REPLIVOICE Adachi Rei, powered by the A.I. VOICE engine.
Adachi Rei has orange hair, orange eyes, and medium length hair done into a one side up style tied with a hair ribbon. She also wears a small hairclip along with a headset equipped with accessories like a headlamp and radio antenna. She wears an open white jacket with a black turtleneck underneath and white gloves. Her jacket features a sound wave design along the colored stripes. She also wears a plaid-patterned grey pleated culotte (often depicted as simple grey shorts instead) with an orange belt. Beneath that, Rei wears black leggings and sneakers.
Occasionally she is depicted with cables hanging below her skirt. If details in the eye make it applicable, then she should also be tagged with lens eye.
Her character item is fried chicken. Her catchphrase is "zumo".
External links
- NicoNicopedia:足立レイ
- Campfire crowdfunding page:
- UTAU wiki article:
- AI Inc.:
- MechanicalGirl:
- Official Twitter bot account: