Table of Contents
1. Intro
2. Bookmarklets
3. Scripts
4. How to use
5. See also
6. External links
Various userscripts exist to improve your experience using Danbooru and related sites.
- Post/Batch to Danbooru - Automagically populates the image, source, artist and tags for various image source sites. See topic #14119 for the full list of support.
- Goto Pixiv/Twitter/Nicoseiga/Deviantart/Pawoo/Nijie - Go directly to a post using only the post ID.
- Enable/Disable Embedded Notes - Provides the ability to change the embedded mode of notes used on a post. With embedded notes enabled, the text becomes visible without needing to hover over the text box. See topic #11337.
- Clean Post URLs: Removes trailing search parameters on image links from the post search page so that maintaining bookmarks is easier.
- Switch Danbooru domain: Provides a mechanism to quickly switch between Danbooru's subdomains.
- Switch safe mode: Switches the safe mode on or off.
- Set color theme: Sets the color theme at auto, light, or dark.
- Updated color theme switcher: Isn't separated, but doesn't do auto.
Note: Bookmarklets are normally disabled on certain sites like Twitter using the Firefox web browser. In order to use any of the above bookmarklets from those sites, install and use the Firefox addon Bookmarklets Context Menu.
User interface
- Miscellaneous Tweaks - Adds an assortment of mostly-independent tweaks to Danbooru. Settings are changed by clicking the "Tweaks" link inserted into the navbar.
- Danbooru 2 Tweaks - Another script with assorted changes. Settings are changed by modifying the top of the script.
- Danbooru 2 Tweaks & Features - See topic #9023
- Danbooru EX: Adds a variety of tweaks and new features. See https://github.com/evazion/danbooru-ex for an overview.
- Better Better Booru: Various tweaks to make Danbooru better.
- Danbooru FOF (install): User script that slightly fades out your favourites.
- DTextStyler: Adds controls to the top of the textbox that assists with the DText style markup Danbooru uses.
- SiteTagSearches: Adds many more site links beyond the standard Pixiv links on wiki page entries. For tag links, it has Gelbooru, Yandere, Sankaku, and Konachan. For other links (which includes other languages like Japanese), it has Pixiv, Nicoseiga, Nijie, Tinami, BCY.net, Deviantart, Artstation, Tumblr, Twitter, and E-Hentai.
- EventListener: Checks frequently for new events of interest. This includes flags, appeals, new dmails or spam, comments, notes, artist commentaries, post edits, post approvals, pools, wiki pages, forum posts, bans, user feedback, mod actions.
- CurrentUploads: Checks the upload count from the last 24 hours for any user plus the copyrights they've uploaded, and offers statistics and various other time periods for comparison. This helps with upload pacing and variety.
- DisplayPostInfo: Displays the uploader, top tagger, and post views on a post.
- Safelist Plus: Alternate blacklist handler, with changing between multiple blacklists supported. Also has a mechanism to change CSS styles, which can be used with a blacklist or standalone.
- TranslatorAssist: User interface to assist a translator on Danbooru. Also includes background functions to check for recent/new noters on a post.
- Wiki Card: Adds a wiki viewer to the uploading and tag editing forms.
- Panzoom: Adds image pan and zoom to the upload page and media asset page.
- Unlimited Paginator Works - Loads subsequent pages of various searches on various *boorus as you scroll down. It supports six sites by default and is supposed to work pretty well on similar sites after you add them to the includes list.
- Note assist - Userscript designed to make translating easier and faster by automatically resizing or creating the notes for you. See that page or topic #9373 for more information.
- ValidateTagInput: Checks all tag adds and removals on uploads or post edits, and warns the user about adding nonexistent tags or being unable to remove a tag due to an implication.
- IndexedAutocomplete: On average increases the speed of autocomplete by using an alternate storage mechanism. It also adds additional autocomplete in various places where it currently enabled.
- RecentTagsCalc: Replaces the existing recent tags when editing/uploading a post with using alternate schemes of collecting and displaying recently used tags.
- Refined Danbooru - more keyboard shortcuts, add toggles for tag groups and more.
- Blacklist2: Adds full search query support and partial metatag support to blacklists.
- Hide Uploads: Allows hiding posts from the "My Uploads" tab. Toggling "Show hidden" will reveal hidden items.
- Danbooru tag input remapper: Allows for remapping of keyboard inputs when tagging.
External sites
- Cleared Pixiv Artists - Lets you keep track of pixiv artists you intend to look over later and get randomly sent to one of them.
- Pixiv Translation Plus - Translates the Pixiv interface and some tags. You have the ability to add your own custom translations (which override the defaults).
- Pixiv Image Searches and Stuff (PISAS) - Searches Danbooru for pixiv IDs, adds IQDB links, and filters thumbs based on number of favorites (first two are disabled by default).
- Pixiv Infinite Scroll/Animation Download Links - Infinite scroll + Inline image/manga expansion + Animation .zip download links (including timing information for animation frames)
- Pixiv Direct Links - Turns thumbnail titles into direct or mode=manga links, adds direct image links on mode=manga pages, replaces the medium thumbnail on mode=medium pages with the full size, and disables lazy-loading images.
- Translate Pixiv Tags: Translates tags on Pixiv, Nijie, NicoSeiga, Tinami, and BCY to Danbooru tags. Additionally it looks up the tag used for an artist.
- IQDBBooru: Adds a link when a tag search is performed, which when clicked will check every thumbnail against Danbooru's IQDB database and highlights hits and misses. Currently supports Gelbooru, Yandere, Konachan, Sankaku.
- IQDB4chan: Adds a link on the threads of image boards, which when clicked will check every thumbnail against Danbooru's IQDB database and highlights hits and misses.
- New Twitter Image Searches and Stuff (NTISAS): Based off the same concept as PISAS, it helps identify already uploaded images on Twitter, and provides a mechanism for highlighting and filtering tweets based upon the favorite score, along with several other user interface enhancements.
How to use
1. Right-click on bookmarks bar
2a. (Chrome) Add page
2b. (Firefox) Add bookmark
3. Add description to Name field
4. Copy bookmarklet text and add to the URL field
To activate the bookmarklet, just click the bookmark link.
1. Install a userscript extension
2. Click userscript install link
- Should end with the
file extension
3. At the prompt, click install
If you don't get a prompt, try the additional following steps.
4. Open userscript manager dashboard by left clicking the icon in the bar
5. Click the + icon to create a new script
6. Copy/paste the userscript text into the text area
7. Save the script using the controls at the top of the text area or by using Ctrl + S
Once the script is saved, it will automatically activate on the pages it is allowed to run on. Sometimes there are issues with it loading after the initial install, which are usually resolved by restarting the browser.
See also
- topic #8502 (general discussion)