MBTI 16personalities mbtifanart 16p 16pa 16p_1d1w mbti修电脑组
A website that offers personality tests based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator model.
They have color-coded designs for every personality type, which are then often used as bases for character creation by artists.
If a character based on an MBTI type doesn't take cues or inspiration from these designs, original would be better suited.
Analysts (purple)
Diplomats (green)
- Advocate (INFJ)
- Mediator (INFP)
- Protagonist (ENFJ)
- Campaigner (ENFP)
Sentinels (blue)
- Logistician (ISTJ)
- Defender (ISFJ)
- Executive (ESTJ)
- Consul (ESFJ)
Explorers (yellow)
- Virtuoso (ISTP)
- Adventurer (ISFP)
- Entrepeneur (ESTP)
- Entertainer (ESFP)