The main character of the Kirby series. He is an eight-inch-tall pink puffball who inhales his enemies and can swallow them, spit them back out at other foes, and even copy their abilities.
See also
The following tags implicate this tag: animal_kirby, arch_mouth, archer_kirby, artist_kirby, ball_kirby, balloon_kirby, beam_kirby, beetle_kirby, bell_kirby, big-rig_mouth, bomb_kirby, bubble_kirby, burning_kirby, car_mouth, circus_kirby, cleaning_kirby, coaster_mouth, cone_mouth, cook_kirby, crash_kirby, cupid_kirby, cutter_kirby, doctor_kirby, dome_mouth, drill_kirby, esp_kirby, festival_kirby, fighter_kirby, fire_kirby, freeze_kirby, ghost_kirby, hammer_kirby, hi-jump_kirby, hypernova_kirby, ice_kirby, jet_kirby, kabuki_kirby, laser_kirby, leaf_kirby, light-bulb_mouth, magic_kirby, mecha_kirby, metal_kirby, mike_kirby, mini_kirby, mirror_kirby, missile_kirby, needle_kirby, ninja_kirby, paint_kirby, parasol_kirby, pipe_mouth, plasma_kirby, poison_kirby, ranger_kirby, ring_mouth, sand_kirby, scissor-lift_mouth, sleep_kirby, spark_kirby, spear_kirby, spider_kirby, staff_kirby, stairs_mouth, stone_kirby, storage_mouth, sword_kirby, throw_kirby, top_kirby, tornado_kirby, ufo_kirby, vending_mouth, water-balloon_mouth, water_kirby, wheel_kirby, whip_kirby, wing_kirby, and yarn_kirby (learn more).