Kichiboushi is a bake-danuki who gave Ioroi company. He was sealed alongside many of his kin by Kamuna Harunosuke; however, as Harunosuke did not properly seal all of the bake-danuki away, some of them were able to escape their confinement, Kichiboushi being one of them. During the events of cleansing the Sacred Sakura, Ioroi has Kichiboushi bring the Traveler and Paimon bring them to the corrupted Sakura roots underneath Chinju Forest.
Some time afterwards, Paimon and Traveler decided to visit Ioroi on a whim. Ioroi, remarking on the other lands he saw prior to his petrification and that he had no knowledge of them, decided to have Kichiboushi accompany the two outside Inazuma as he was excited to play with them again and wanted to train more. When the Traveler remarked that they wanted to talk with Kichiboushi during their travels, Ioroi gave them a bake-danuki feast so they could understand what Kichibouchi was saying. The training mostly consisted of taking Kichiboushi around various places across Mondstadt and Liyue.
At the end of the trip, Kichiboushi was brought back to Chinju Forest and promised to uphold and remember what the Traveler and Paimon had taught him.
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