A 1997-2009 seinen manga written and illustrated by Hirano Kouta, originally serialized in Young King OURs for 89 chapters, which were collected in ten volumes. It was adapted into a 13-episode television anime (2001-2002) and a 10-episode OVA series (2006-2012), as well as a spin-off called Hellsing: The Dawn.
Set in the United Kingdom during modern era. The story is centered around the Royal Order of Protestant Knights, also known by the series' titular name as "Hellsing Organization", which is responsible for eliminating supernatural threats that would threaten the country. Particularly vampires. The Hellsings is led by Integra Hellsing, the descendant of vampire hunter Abraham von Helsing, as well as her right hand man and the most capable vampire hunter, Alucard - himself the original and the very first vampire who swore loyalty to the Hellsing family after his defeat to Abraham Helsing.
Main characters
- The Major
- The Doctor
- The Captain
- Rip van Winkle
- Zorin Blitz
- Schrödinger
- Tubalcain Alhambra
- Jan Valentine
- Luke Valentine
Anime characters
- Incognito
- Peter Fergenson
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