MACROSS (マクロス, MA-KU-RO-SU) is a long-running and popular series of military science fiction Mecha/Real Robot anime, created by Kawamori Shouji of Studio Nue in 1982.
The franchise features a fictional alternate history of Earth and humanity after the year 1999. It is sponsored by Big West Advertising .
The franchise is also notable for incorporating "love triangle" drama and musical elements akin to that of an idol anime as a plot device. Typically explained as being a source of inspiration for the protagonists and, in later series, a source of "sonic power" for various mecha within its fictional universe.
The following tags implicate this tag: choujikuu_yousai_macross, macross:_do_you_remember_love?, macross_2, macross_7, macross_delta, macross_frontier, macross_plus, macross_zero, and uta_macross_sumaho_deculture (learn more).