The night before the Forger Family’s daughter’s date. 🏠 (• Aged Up AU) #ダミアニャ
People are passing by.Come here.O-Okay.You got cream on your face.Where?GrrGrrHere.GrrGrrHey! What do you want with her!?Forger, I...For a long time, I have-Hawawawawawa!!Bond, stop forecasting!!!Borf! Borf!Loid!? Are you crying!?Anya with...
her boyfriend...
Anya is...
Anya Desmond...SobSorry, I'm late.Forger!My heart's not going to last until tomorrow!!Phew!Huh?I should review the plan for tomorrow.• Looks happy.It's not a date!!cracklecrackleLord Damian, if you don't sleep soon, you'll sleep past your date.JealousExcuse me.Da-Meanwhile, Second Son...