Post Votes

Post Tags Score Uploader Voter
+1 shikkokumaru »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 Machikado »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 Machikado »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 mortalkombachan »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 user 726706 »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 IndustriousMechanic »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 Machikado »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 john1980 »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 Perv-Ultra »
Hispanic at the Disco »
excarabu pokemon abra aerodactyl alakazam arbok arcanine articuno beedrill bellsprout blastoise bulbasaur butterfree caterpie chansey charizard charmander charmeleon clefable clefairy cloyster cubone dewgong diglett ditto dodrio doduo dragonair dragonite dratini drowzee dugtrio eevee ekans electabuzz electrode_(pokemon) exeggcute exeggutor farfetch'd fearow flareon gastly gengar geodude gloom_(pokemon) golbat goldeen golduck golem_(pokemon) graveler grimer growlithe gyarados haunter hitmonchan hitmonlee horsea hypno ivysaur jigglypuff jolteon jynx kabuto_(pokemon) kabutops kadabra kakuna kangaskhan kingler koffing krabby lapras lickitung machamp machoke machop magikarp magmar magnemite magneton mankey marowak meowth metapod mew_(pokemon) mewtwo missingno. moltres mr._mime muk nidoking nidoqueen nidoran nidoran_(female) nidoran_(male) nidorina nidorino ninetales oddish omanyte omastar onix paras parasect persian_(pokemon) pidgeot pidgeotto pidgey pikachu pinsir poliwag poliwhirl poliwrath ponyta porygon primeape psyduck raichu rapidash raticate rattata rhydon rhyhorn sandshrew sandslash scyther seadra seaking seel shellder slowbro slowpoke snorlax spearow squirtle starmie staryu tangela tauros tentacool tentacruel vaporeon venomoth venonat venusaur victreebel vileplume voltorb vulpix wartortle weedle weepinbell weezing wigglytuff zapdos zubat animated animated_gif commentary english_commentary :d absolutely_everyone armor bat_(animal) bird boxing_gloves bug butterfly closed_eyes crab dragon drooling everyone evil_smile extra_arms fangs fiery_hair fire fish food fruit furrowed_brow ghost grin head_wings helmet horns horse japanese_armor kicking long_hair looking_at_viewer looking_back lying monochrome moth mouse_(animal) multiple_heads no_humans official_style on_back one-eyed open_mouth orange_(fruit) pixel_art pokemon_(creature) punching seahorse signature simple_background single_horn skull smile smoke snake spiral sprite sprite_sheet standing standing_on_one_leg tongue tongue_out twitter_username walking white_background wings
+1 Danielx21 »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 Omegamagnum »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 user 488284 »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 Danielx21 »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 Qpax »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 keonas »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 keonas »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 user 525419 »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 user 166417 »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 Topsy Krett »
Hispanic at the Disco »
+1 Nacha »
Hispanic at the Disco »