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Collection: Skullgirls - Character Poll #1

Artists' campaigns, ballots, and reactions to the roster rounds (sans Juju) from which Skullgirls's first backer-voted DLC character will join the fight.

1st round cuts: Mrs. Victoria, D. Violet, Hive, Leduc, Ileum, Andy, Taliesin, Hubrecht Hertz Adelhardt, Regina, Beatrix, Ottomo, Yu-Wan, Roxie, Adam, Samson

2nd round cuts: Umbrella, Marie, Black Dahlia, Brain Drain, Feng, Scythana, Molly, Venus

3rd round cuts: Stanley, Beowulf, Panzerfaust, Isaac

4th round cuts: Annie, Minette, Aeon

Third DLC Character: Eliza

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