post #9000000 GET!

Series: Touhou - A "Meiling and Reisen Fight It Out" Manga (wasabi shoujo)

Japanese title: 美鈴と鈴仙がパンパンする漫画
Author: wasabi_shoujo

Reisen's PTSD from the Lunar Wars pushes her over the edge, and it's up to Meiling to stop her before she goes omnicidal.

Part 1: post #1082944 (5 pp.)
Part 2: post #1082952 (6 pp.)
Part 3: post #1082960 (7 pp.)
Part 4: post #1082974 (6 pp.)
Part 5: post #1082984 (8 pp.)
Part 6: post #1082992 (9 pp.)

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