post #9000000 GET!

Series: Touhou - When you have to cry just cry

泣きたいときは 泣けばいい

「結界のチェックがもたつき過ぎだって、藍殿に怒られた?まぁ、馴れぬうちは仕方が無いだろう。怒られるのも仕事のうちさ。   ・・・あぁ、主の役に立てない事が悔しいんだな・・・・・・。   泣く事を我慢できるのは偉い事かもしれんが、耐えられないなら泣いてしまいなよ。そんな鬱憤を腹に溜め込んでいると、身体的にも精神的にも良くないし、時に他所から厄を呼び寄せる事もあるからな。時には発散も必要さ。 幸い、ここらには誰もいないんだ。恥ずかしがることは無いよ。   ・・・私は暫く、辺りを見張ってくるからさ。 頃合見て戻ってくるからね、橙。」

"Ran scolded you for being too slow with inspecting the barrier? I suppose there's no helping it when you're not familiar with it. Being scolded is part of a job.    ...Well, it's especially bitter when you can't even do your main task......     It may be admirable to hold back the tears, but if you can't stand it, you'll end up crying anyway. Swallowing that resentment will just be bad for you physically and mentally. You'll just invite other burdens. At these times, you need to just let it out. Luckily, there's no one around. There's nothing to be ashamed of.     ...I'll watch over this area for a while. When you find a good time, I'll bring you home, Chen."
