
Series: Touhou - Hand Drawing Artists 'Mucha Buri Relay'


'Mucha Buri Relay' is a general term for the collaborative project which is held aiming at social and intercommunication within the internet artists community. It literally means 'a series of projects which "obligate to draw some impossible things"'.
'無茶振り(Mucha-Buri)' is a slang which is used by Japanese comedians and means 'demand the impossible action'.

This pool particularly deals with communities of NicoNico artists who create Touhou hand drawn videos. ->

The basic rule is:

1. Each member thinks of some impossible subjects which he/she might not be able to draw by him/herself, and put them together into a list.
2. Choose who will do which subject from the list by lottery among everybody.
3. Draw the subject which he/she has chosen by lottery 'following own instincts'.
4. No refusal is taken.

The completed drawings will be uploaded on the internet to make audiences laugh and/or perplex after getting permission of the authors.
